today Joyce came my place around 11.45 am

and we were planned to go Gurnay Plaza :)
once we reached there.
straight go to SAKE,our beloved sushi!


after we had lunch.
me suggested 'em to go red box.
so.. yea~ we did!
we finished singin around 5pm
so we planned to go Stella-in for asking info abt make up course
but.. it CLOSED!
so.. hmm.. snap photo.. relax..
i love her COACH! aww. pinkiess.. >,,<
After that Bing Yi, Wei Keat and Jessica came also.
we were damn hungry.
so we decided to go for Manila Place..
After dinner, we walked around Gurney.
and we actually wanted to watch movie
but it was full.
so.. better go back home :)
Urgh, why do u look so nice and I look so ugly??? Delete the photos of the redbox ones of me pls!!!!
ReplyDeleteP.S: Your sundress is sooo prettyyyyyy!!!!!!